Where to now? Career Planning

Career planning is not an exact science. You don’t want to waste time wallowing in the unknown, so book a session with your Employ Me Now! consultant. You will be asked a set programme of tailored questions which will help to get focused. Work out where you are now and exactly where you want to go. You will learn how to:

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of the job market and the concept of “employability”
  • Assess key challenges, values, drivers, strengths and transferable skills using Lee Brodie’s card sorting methodology
  • Identify possible career paths and types of employment
  • Define what your ideal role, manager, organisation and industry looks like

Post Session

After the session,  you will be given the following reports based on our session:

    • Balanced Scorecard – Matching your values to your employment options?
    • Piece of Pie – Understand your prefered skills and what your ideal working week looks like
    • Career Pathway – A list of key industries and roles that are worth investigating
    • Massive Action Plan – MAP of who/what to research next