TMA! What Is HASANZ? and Super Mind Collaboration with Dr Julie Norris.

There is an intimidating number of letters behind Dr Norris’s name (FRAGCP, COH, AIOH and MD). They mean she is a science nerd (self-proclaimed), Occupational Hygienist (someone who uses a mix of science and engineering to prevent ill health in the workplace), and a fully qualified medical doctor and occupational physician that runs her own practice. These qualifications and professional associations are all hard earned and mean something to those who are in the ‘know’. For those who aren’t in the ‘know’, it seems like another example of TMA (Too Many Acronyms) in an industry that loves acronyms!

Even with all her experience and qualifications, Dr Norris is the first to admit she “doesn’t know what she doesn’t know”. Her presentation at the Health and Safety Association of NZ 2018 conference focused on how and why health and safety practitioners need to focus on seeing collaboration as a way to ‘win’ for our clients, especially with the newly formed HASANZ now in operation.


What is HASANZ?

The Health and Safety Association of NZ (HASANZ) was created to represent the diverse range of professions that are involved in workplace health and safety. Sadly, it took the Pike River disaster, and 2012 Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety to make the professional umbrella organisation a reality.

HASANZ Member organisations include:

HSPNZ                Hazardous Substances Professionals New Zealand

HFESNZ               Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand

NZISM                 New Zealand Institute of Safety Management

NZOHNA             NZ Occupational Health Nurses Association

NZOHSNZ           Occupational Hygiene Society

NZSC                    New Zealand Safety Council

PNZ (OHG)         Physiotherapy NZ (Occupational Health Group)

OTNZ – WNA      Occupational Therapy NZ Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa


How do you get on the HASANZ Register?

I’m currently working on becoming a registered consultant on the HASANZ Register, what this means is I have:

  1. A relevant qualification (Post Grad Dip Bus Admin (HSE) / BA/LLB)
  2. Had relevant experience, which is assessed by peer review
  3. A full membership to a professional workplace safety organisation (NZISM)
  4. Full insurance (Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Statutory Liability)


What is the goal of all this?

If you are registered with HASANZ both clients and other practitioners know that you have a baseline of understanding and experience in your field. As described by Dr Norris, when you get a group of proven practitioners from different disciplines, we can effectively create a “Super Mind’ and get on with finding the best result for our clients. The caveat is that to do this we need to make a space for everyone to be heard, and be self-aware (know our own biases, strengths and our weaknesses).


We all Have the Same Goal!

As Dr Norris pointed out we are all working for the same goal.

HSE Goals                         Healthy + Happy Workforce creates Productivity + Profitability

Business Goals                Productivity + Profitability creates Healthy + Happy Workforce


What does this all mean?

The health and safety profession in NZ is coming of age. There is no room for cowboys and their never-ending mass-produced paperwork and ‘answer to it all’ apps. It is time for both practitioners and their clients to demand a quality experience that looks at the individual DNA of an organisation and utilises multiple technical specialities to make sure people get home safe and retire healthy.






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